Getting back in the swing of things after the holidays especially if you have little ones who were out for the holiday break can be so tough. Kicking off the New Year with new resolutions / goals can make it even more difficult. Some of the best advice I have received is to STACK YOUR GOALS for the New Year so you can have a better chance at succeeding.
—>what does that mean you ask?!
—>Stacking your goals basically is adding your NEW goal into something you already do to help you actually achieve it. For example, while your ☕️ is brewing take the 10 minutes to Write 5 Things You are Grateful For if you have a resolution to FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE this year. See when you stack your goals you are already using some time you have and filling it by completely your new goal! It makes conquering your resolutions easier and give you a better chance at succeeding. Here is the list of my Stacking Goals:
- Before the kids wake and I’m drinking my ☕️—> email catch up, work prep. I found that lately I am more than overwhelmed at everything I have on my plate and that I need some extra QUIET time to plan and refocus my work.
- At kiddos 😴 time before I dive deep into work—> take the first 10 minutes to write 5 Things I’m Grateful for that happened since my last entry. I am trying to keep a positive outlook during this crazy stage of life with my 2 young girls and focus on the amazingness of motherhood instead of the challenges
- Post workout—>Add in 10 minutes of stretching. After 🏃🏼♀️ my the half marathon this fall my body really started to feel the affects of the training and just getting older. This 10 minutes of stretching should help to ease the aches and pains plus give me some much needed reflection time.
- When I’m cooking 🥘—> Make 1 dinner a week a MEATLESS MEAL. I’m a huge meat eater and seriously LOVE it BUT I really want to add even more veggies into my family’s and my diet.
- Nighttime as a say my 🙏🏻 —> read a short entry out of a book/app to continue to strive for a deeper connection to God. My 2 new daily devotional books arrive tomorrow.