I asked my girls what they wanted to do for spring break this year and my sassy pants oldest who we call “Boss” look me dead in the eyes and said “I just want to go lay on a beach and relax.” Wow, same girl, same! So we booked a beautiful hotel right on the beach in the Keys and I have been planning, ordering new swimsuits & getting ready to just lay on the beach and relax. (well as much relaxing as possible when I’ll have 2 kiddos running around)
Here are some of my favorite bathing suits finds so far this year for the girls and me. Everything is linked up over on my LiketoKnow.it account to make shopping easier for you if you want to snag a few for yourself. Click–>HERE
And of course what is a beach vacation without the beach bag, googles for the kiddos (these are the best goggles we have ever found!!), beach towel clips and more! All the essentials are linked HERE