Take advantage of some great #PrimeDay sales happening right now…
This are the items that I think will most likely sell out the fastest as they have great reviews and are items that so many people I know rave about. I just finally ordered the on the counter ice maker for our home and cannot wait for it to arrive. The 23&Me Ancestry Kit is something the hubs and I have done in the past and it was mind blowing to see all the data–highly recommended. The Keurig is a single cup, slim design that we love to keep in our guest room. Click HERE to order the items in the photo to the left.
Love Lululemon but not in the market to spend the money on them. These are amazing dupes that are on sale today! Run true to size. Click HERE to order.
#PrimeDay also has some great 4th of July steals–fashion and decor! Click HERE to shop.